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Artwork Title:
Study of Anemone Apennina
Artwork Size:
h:19.5cms x w:19.5cms (framed).
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Artwork description:
Inspired by the pressed specimen of Anemone apennina in the Margaret Rebecca Dickinson (a Victorian botanist) archive in the Natural History Society of Northumbria, I was struck by the touches of lovely blue colour that it retains. It is as if the dead flower is preserved with some of it's living energy and it has something of a 'Vanitas' quality about it. The text ranges from Dickinson's beautiful handwritten material through to subsequent records from researchers to date. This drawing is almost a palimpsest: an embodiment of layered time from the living flower, through it's death, through Dickinson herself and later botanists and artists until I made my own discovery of her delicate little anemone specimen.
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