Artwork Id:
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Artwork Title:
Honest John and Friends
Artwork Size:
h:30.5cms x w:45.5 cms (unframed).
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Artwork description:
I was given this group of toys. Crudely made, they are slowly falling apart and staining themselves and each other with discolouring, gluey oozings. Some of them seem to be based upon Disney characters. If this is the case, then they are surely the originals’ reflections come to life from the dark side of the mirror. As to the unidentified others, their identities may be known only to themselves and, possibly, to their maker. They are distorted in their strange familiarity but I love them, so I placed them together in their group so they can support each other. I have stood them upon a deservedly splendid patterned surface adapted from my original childhood Altair design pad to reference the splendid mosaic floors of Renaissance paintings.
Artwork Group Image:

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